Bhakti Sondra Shaye
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“Love unbroken like a stream of oil is termed 'Bhakti'.” – Ramana Maharshi

BHAKTI SONDRA SHAYE is an accomplished healer, spiritual teacher and counselor who has been blessed with a very successful alternative healing practice for over 22 years. A former corporate attorney who earned honors (including 3 American Jurisprudence Awards), served on Law Review and Moot Court Honor Society, and was included in "Who's Who Among American Law Students" while in law school, Sondra's ability to help others move forward and lead a happier, more productive and fulfilled life are skills she is happy to share.
Sondra is committed to helping people use love, compassion, and cooperation to transform not only themselves but also the world. Sondra believes that service to humanity is service to Source, and she is honored to live her life in service.
Sondra has been featured in numerous national publications, including the New York Times (twice), New York Magazine (3 times), The Daily News, New York Post, New York Press, The Sunday Times UK, The Telegraph, Hyperion Books, Norton Books, CR Fashion Book, and others. Her healing practice has been discussed on National Public Radio WNYC, and she considers it a great honor to have been invited to speak at United Nations headquarters in NYC through its Enlightenment Society. Life Changing Healing Center was awarded the Best of Brooklyn Award, Alternative Clinics category, by the U.S. Commerce Association, in recognition of outstanding service to clients and the community, every year since 2011. Sondra is founder and director of Life Changing Healing Center in New York City.
Sondra is dedicated to supporting Mercy for Animals, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), The Sierra Club, ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and other organizations and charities that support and promote environmental, animal, marine life, racial, and gender justice. We believe a compassionate, respectful, peaceful world is possible, and we work towards that goal every day.
CLICK HERE if you or someone you know would like assistance or support in transitioning to a compassionate, environmentally supportive plant-based lifestyle.

"They say that good things come in small packages. Well, it is true after you meet Bhakti Sondra Shaye. She is small in the physical sense, but let me tell you, she is big in the healing sense. Don't let her fool you, when she is channeling healing she is unlimited in size." - DEREK O'NEILL, Spiritual Teacher and Healer (Dublin, Ireland)
"I am so grateful for you ...You may never know the impact of our meeting nor the hope and stability provided by your Love. But whether you are aware or not, you shall be greatly rewarded by Our Father in Heaven."
"I have never felt such a profound shift with a healer as with you. Thank you so much!!"
"Sondra, Thank You. You have been an enormous help to me. I feel good for the first time in 8 years. I was in hell and I was brought out. I want to stay on this path."
"I attended one of Sondra’s workshops earlier this year when I was in deep sorrow. Sondra has something within her that transcends; this is something other, without hyperbole, she has something extraordinary within her. She touched me and my sorrow came welling out of me in the most healing way."
"I have been working with Sondra Shaye for 16 years. She has had a powerful impact on my life. She is an incredible healer. Over the years I've done various modalities with her, including Cord Cutting, Rising Star, Space Clearing, etc, both on myself and family members, and the results have been amazing, if not miraculous. She is a true energetic healer.”
“Sondra is a gifted healer. She's a radiant being - love and light pour from her."
"One of the best this world has to offer!!! Hugs and love and blessings."
"I’ve received so much support from every healing session offered by Sondra and have a new life because of them."
"You're so awesome Sondra thank you. This is so caring. I'm so grateful to have you."
"Hi Sondra, I count myself so lucky to know you and to be able to recognise the great importance of your work for us all. All my love!"
"We need so many more like you, Sondra. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for all you are and all you do."
"Sondra, I am so deeply humbled and grateful for your help. It dawned on me last night that I've been working with you for 24 years (ever since I happened on that article in New York Magazine way back when)!!!"
"Thank you Source for Sondra!"
"Hi Sondra, I am so grateful for the work you are doing for me and know it will make a difference. Thank you for all your notes and guidance. You are a real gem and genuinely care. In gratitude."
"It was such a difficult time I'm and so happy that I found you! Without you I think my life would’ve been off the rails! Thank you again for all your help and compassion about the situation."
"Thank you Sondra, so very much. I will tell you this one healing is a true testimony. I love you Angelic Being Bhakti Sondra!"
"I listened to one of the videos with Sondra last night, and I feel connected to her talk. Sondra radiates so much unconditional love, joy and light, and it makes me wonder how is it possible to achieve that state of being. I believe that I found Sondra for the purpose of my healing and spiritual growth. With kind wishes."
"Sondra, I think of your beautiful holy presence in New York often. How lucky the city is to have you gracing its borders."
"In my more than a decade of serving people in a similar fashion, Sondra Shaye is among the most powerful, yet caring and loving healers and individuals I have ever come across. Trust your instincts and see her today - it will change your life for the better!"
"Wow, thank you, what a wealth of information you have. I really appreciate it!"
"I want to thank you for the work done, which confirms to me that your reputation as a powerful healer is well deserved."
"I am now convinced you have an amazing 'ear' to God."
"Yes she's one of the most powerful healers. Other healers just aren't as powerful."
"My life is better since I found you."
"I’m not totally sure how to express how grateful I am."
"You can't imagine how happy and grateful I am that I found you."
"I used to think all the things you offered were for everyone else. Boy was I wrong! I don't know what I would have done without you."
"I thank God for you Sondra. You are a wonderful, wonderful, spiritual person."
"You are Amazing and we treasure you. You Really changed our lives. We can't be more grateful for your spiritual help. It's your gift and we truly thank you for everything you've done for us. Your spirit is Amazing. You are a blessing from the Universe. We are very lucky to find you. Thank you so much. I love you so much."
"Hi Sondra. Thank you for all that you do for this world. I am so blessed to have crossed paths with you and to have the additional blessing of having you as my healer."
"Sondra, Love love love you. Thanks for being of such great service to humanity."
"Thank you for sharing your gifts 💛💛💛💛"
"I thank you from my heart for all of the healing energy you bring onto this planet."
"Hello Sondra, Wonderful to know that you exist! Your story is inspirational, powerful and humble. I can easily appreciate where you are coming from! Awesomeness."
"Next to Derek, I hold you in the highest regard in relationship to purity of heart and healing potential and I trust that you can help me greatly."
"You are a true instrument of peace."
"Hey Sondra, I enjoy reading your posts, and your true caring for all living creatures. We need so many more people like you. Love to you always."
"I thank God for you. I couldn't have made it without you."
"All I sense of you is light and love."
"Thank you so much. You are so inspirational."
"I am extremely blessed that you came into my life, you have transformed my life immensely. I want you to know, you played a huge part in helping me connect with my truth, and realizing my purpose on the planet, so thank you again."
"I am grateful for all of your healing over the years. I don't think I would be where I am without you."
"I think you are one of the most loving people I've ever met, and you have a wonderful healing energy. Thank you!!"
"Thank you so much Sondra. You continue to help me tremendously and I will continue to share my joys with you following our sessions because I have no doubts in my head that you are gifted. I'm blessed already in being brought to you for any healing."
"I also want to let you know how glad I am that our paths crossed. I know I can learn a lot from you. I met many healers and teachers and you are resonating with me the most. You are not just an advanced spiritual healer, but your heart is pure as well, you have compassion and I don't notice the usual wall that I do in many healers. I understand that wall, they are protecting themselves, but this way I feel they are hiding their true being as well. And I feel you just shine your light as it is. Beautiful and brave. And I see this so advanced, perfect for earthly use. It is so much closer to the teachings of the light beings. It feels like it's not something you intentionally do, it's just there around you effortlessly, a natural extension of you. Amazing mastery."
"Hi Sondra, I count myself so lucky to know you and to be able to recognise the great importance of your work for us all. All my love!"
"I spent the last hour going through your FB page. I laughed, I cried, you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being you !!! We need a whole lot more people like you to save us, the planet and all living creatures. You are amazing !!"
"What stood out to me the most when I met Sondra was her pure love. I didn't want to leave her :) For the short time I spent with her I felt a calmness that I forgot existed. I felt alive! How beautiful and magnificent it must feel to reach deep within and feel complete love."
"Thank you for all the love and healing you bring into this world."
"Thank you for being so incredibly caring. You truly are an angel. Very special. You're an energetic alchemist, turning my old led into gold ;)"
"Good afternoon Sondra, I wanted to reach out and to tell you how thankful , grateful and peaceful I feel for having met you. You're bringing peace to my life and my soul! I didn't believe I would ever feel this way. You're truly a blessing. I want to certainly continue working through my spiritual issues as well as emotional with you. I was so emotionally battered and beaten scarred from all I've been through as a young girl and a young woman I'm sooo eternally thankful you were able to provide some sort of serenity to my soul and my heart."
"Watching your interview [with Lilou] I was touched by your simplicity, by the sense of appreciation that surrounds you, and by the way you talk about Sai Baba. I never met Sai Baba in this life, but I certainly was touched by him in many ways. Thanks for sharing your bright light!"
"That look you gave me after the session was something I have NEVER EVER seen on any human! So much love and peace - it must be what Divine Mother looks like."
"Thank you again for your support and kindness. You are a gift for so many people!"
"It's always a pleasure to see you and spend time with you. I can hardly express my gratitude to you for your generosity, advice and love you've shared with me the last few years. I truly appreciate everything. Well the name fits - life changing. You may not realize what you have done for me. I couldn't have survived any of this if it wasn't for your support. All my love."
"After reading about you in Jeff Sharlet's book, I couldn't keep myself from asking for your friendship. Thank you so much for accepting. I have nothing to ask of you, other than you accept my heartfelt wishes for happiness and achievement. I'm just overjoyed to know that you're out there. Thank you so much for everything you do, Sondra. You are a true beacon and I have tremendous respect for you."
"I am so grateful to have you in my life, you are such a special and amazing soul! So much Love!"
"I have felt such an incredible shift since meeting with you."
"All the healing that is being done by Devotees like yourself, and Derek, one day in the near future I believe this world will be exceptionally wonderful, that is our goal, right??? As long as we keep calling on the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, the World Mother, and to You."
"You are a blessing to have come into my life. The initiations you have passed on to me have changed my life. You are an amazing servant of God. Thank you!"
"I honor you as one of my great teachers, one of purity and light. It is by grace that I have met you and Derek and Baba and I am so grateful."
"Thank you for serving the Light with such complete integrity, devotion and truth."
"Curious have other people commented on the energy starting just from making contact with you? Feels like a deepening is happening already. The process seems to have started already."
"Thank you for making the sacrifice to help others. It is very much appreciated!"
"A million times thank you, words are not enough for me to express how grateful I am that you and Derek have given your lives to help all of us! My family's lives are forever changed for the better and it all started with my finding you and seeking your help. Again, I can't thank you enough! I love you with all of my heart, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"You are the only person I know on the east coast who has a full-time healing practice that is thriving. Of course this is because you have so much integrity and your energy and the ability to facilitate healings and workshops is of the very highest vibration."
"Every time I'm in your presence I feel like I'm with an angel, it's such an honor, for real! It's only been a little over a year that I was sooo lucky (or guided) to find you and what a huuuge year for me in my spiritual growth! I feel so fortunate to be able continue in the Karnak Initiations with you. My guides have definitely led me to the right teacher. I'm eternally grateful."
"And so here I am joining in the song of loving gratitude coming your way for the gift that you are to all of us. Bless you Sondra for all that you do in loving, healing service. I am forever grateful to you for your selfless service."
"That was an amazing healing session - so powerful. I feel lighter. Many thanks, so grateful to you. You are a powerful and gentle healer!"
"As my Irish grandmother used to say, Sondra, 'you've got the gift.' Thanks so much for sharing it with the world."
"You're such a bright light."
"Today was incredible! The initiation, the BEAUTIFUL healing you facilitated for me - and I mean beautiful!!! It was simply incredible! While we are NOT the doers, there is a talent and a gift to being able to facilitate and the way you do so is subtly stunning and moving."
"Thank you Sondra for giving your life to the path of Truth and Love. I know how much courage it takes and I have endless reverence for your commitment."
"Thank you for being such a great friend. New York is certainly blessed to have you there."
"You have truly connected with a magical source and have blessed me so tremendously. I am so grateful for connecting with you. Many thanks!"
"I know there are no coincidences and I also know I am pretty clueless as to the full significance of events, but what I do know is that connecting with you at this time is a gift and I am beyond grateful."
"Hi Sondra, Thank you so much for my healing session yesterday. Today I felt so clear and driven. Also speaking to you always helps me put things into a better perspective. The world just feels better today. You're truly blessed and I'm so grateful."
"I can honestly say that the work done by and through you has majorly changed my life over the last few weeks and months."
"I'm doing a 40-day practice and today's practice was on belief in abundance and releasing financial fears. The suggestion was to 'Give money to a place that you are spiritually fed, as it makes a statement to the universe that you believe abundance must be shared.' Without a doubt, you were the first person I thought of. I hope you know how much I appreciate your gifts!"
"Hi Sondra. I just wanted to let you know that my father will be discharged from hospital tomorrow! He is going into rehab for 2 weeks and then home. Thank you so much for being there during the darkest hour. I can't thank you enough, actually. Lots of love and hugs."
"Good afternoon Sondra, I wanted to reach out and to tell you how thankful, grateful and peaceful I feel for having met you. You're bringing peace to my life and my soul! I didn't believe I would ever feel this way. You're truly a blessing. I want to certainly continue working through my spiritual issues as well as emotional with you. I was so emotionally battered and beaten scarred from all I've been through as a young girl and a young woman. I'm sooo eternally thankful you were able to provide some sort of serenity to my soul and my heart. I was sooo lost when I first met you with my health and myself, still am not where I want to be but far from where I was before with your help. I don't believe I could ever thank you enough but spread our love through peace and somewhere in the universe it will be heard!"
"My healing session was extremely powerful! Very grateful! I really respect your practice and energy, truly has been life changing."
"You have really evolved to the next level of facilitation. Considering your dedication and perseverance, would be expected more than surprising at this point."
"You have a lovely heart, Sondra. Manners, Etiquette, Professionalism, and just plain old-fashioned TLC still exist, through you Sondra! Merci!"
"I came across your interview with Lilou. I was struck by your clarity and generosity and by what a good soul you are and how dedicated to service. The fact that you give the credit to Source is also impressive and makes me want to work with you."
"Divinity sent me to you, because it was by accident I encountered your interview and it brought tears to my eyes."
"You and your teachings are a big blessing in my life."
"Everything started changing when I came to see you!"
"You have been and continue to be a true light, helping me find my own path. Thank you is very little as it cannot express my gratitude in all its strength. When I think about how I came to meet you that first time - I am in awe at the beautiful, divine and magical ways in which the universe works. I was pushed to meet you. In fact, I knew nothing about energy work at the time and I was very skeptical. But look at me now!"
"Thank you for everything. You are a gift. Thank you for every time you have healed me and situations in my life. I am always grateful."
"I am so grateful to have you in my life, you are such a special and amazing soul! So much Love!"
"Just after writing you I felt your energy field and WOW!!!"
"I really miss seeing you and getting my sessions with you. I have never felt better in my life than at that time."
"I can feel the spirit of your heart, much like the people of India, which l truly love. Thank You."
"I really appreciate your amazing healing."
"Thank you Sondra so so much. I truly appreciate all your healings."
"I like the way you put yourself into the class and at the same time maintain space for others to go through their own processing. You are an awesome blessing!"
"Pretty and peaceful place to visit. Thank you. I wish everyone were like you. Earth would be so much more pleasant. Blessings."
"Thank you Sondra for your help in finding my joy and peace."
"I just want to say thanks a million for everything, for all your healing and for all your help when I needed it. I am forever grateful. You are truly amazing. Healing amazes me and I truly believe in it and always have. Now I really feel like me again after some life challenges and went through all the deep healing and spiritual awakening. I have regained my inner power and self confidence. I have learned skills to protect my energy, to clear my energy regularly. I can speak my truth with ease. Also have really learned self love and have made peace with my past. I have always been brilliant at looking after others but now I have come home to myself, am more gentle with myself and I am looking after myself much better. I am really blessed and grateful and thankful. Thanking you, best wishes to you. Lots of love."
"Since I met you, the abundance that has been coming into my life is somewhat of a miracle. I've also been able to emotionally release my ex-husband. The most beautiful part is my mom's spirit has continuously appeared to me for the past several weeks."
"Thank you very much, Sondra! So grateful for all these sessions. They and you have been such an enormous support. I'm so lucky! Thank you thank you thank you!
"I have been seeing Sondra Shaye for 10 years. She is in Brooklyn and is a "healer's healer". She gives amazing workshops and has unbelievable healing modalities that she offers in private sessions."
"I just love your work!"
“We get great results from your work, it’s wild!”
"Thank you for all your help, you are wonderful!"
"You have helped me tremendously."
"If it weren't for your courage I would never have met my teacher or soul family which I cherish so much. You are beautiful inside and out, thank you for your service!"
"Thank you again, Sondra. I feel blessed to have been led to you."
"I am so grateful for all that you do, Sondra!"
"It's so nice to see you again and to acknowledge the incredible blessings I have received since the day I saw you doing your thing at the health show and deciding to work with you."
"Appreciate your help soooooo much. What you do is truly amazing! Thank you very much."
"Hi Sondra, Thank you so much. You are so wonderful and we greatly appreciate the healing and blessing."
"Hi Sondra, I am ever so grateful, I wish I had the words to say. Thank you, thank you, thank you! All love."
"Thank you for your beautiful work. I've felt a lot happening over the last few days. I suspect all of that means good things."
"Sondra, you are amazing and such a radiant angel! It was truly an honor being in your presence today. What a beautiful class, so much healing and releasing! Thank you so much, I appreciate you and your spirit guides."
"Sondra, I actually teared up reading your message - it was so validating and understanding on so many levels. It seems I can pick up the energy with which things are written and it was really clear and beautiful. I sincerely appreciate these messages more than I can say. Thank you."
"I feel very lucky to have come across someone like you. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts."
"Yesterday was so calming and I felt very safe with you."
"Thank you Sondra. I appreciate you. I appreciate your magic. "
"Hi Sondra, I am so grateful to have come across someone as kind and compassionate about people as you. You helped us without any hesitation and continued to address my concerns long after your job was done. May God bless you and your heart now and always... Honestly, it feels like a miracle happened and all thanks to you!! Much love to you and what you stand for."
"Thank you for the session. And for all you do to help us evolve."
"Thank you for being there and offering your services so graciously during a very scary time. It's felt a little less frightening with your help "nearby." I'm so grateful. Thank you again, Sondra."
"Thank you with all my heart for sharing your healing energy with my family ❤️ With gratitude."
"I'm glad I went to your class. I wish more people were like you. Thank you again."
"Wish I had the words to say how thankful I am. Much love."
"Thank you for being so incredibly caring. You truly are an angel. Very special. I feel I’m in safe hands with you :)"
"Thank you for being a part of my healing journey. I appreciate everything that you have done for me! We will definitely be in contact in the future and I will absolutely recommend you to my friends and other people I meet along the way :)"
"Thank you Sondra. Bless you, I am very grateful I met you and for your help."
"I feel great!!!!! I appreciate you and your sessions so much 🙏"
"You are a true gift and blessing in my life and words can’t express what you have done for me. Many thanks. 🙏"
"I believe that you have a true gift. I believe that you can help us tremendously."
"Thank you for being a great light and gift to humanity"
"Many people must tell you about your healing powers. Thank you for all of your help. I feel very positive and at peace about a lot of things in my life right now as if I am growing into my own as a person. Much love ❤️ love ❤️ on this beautiful night."
"Your sessions have been so wonderful that now I’m recommending it to all my family members!"
"Thank you Sondra. After many years I have got hope that things will be ok after all. Thanks to you."
"I totally trust you and fully believe that we will reap the rewards of your healing on our behalf."
"Sondra, you have changed my life already. Yesterday was mind blowing! You are definitely the real deal!!! You are incredible and I am grateful that we met and my dog and I have started to work with you!!! I am going to recommend you to my friends and also my mom."
"Sondra! ❤️ I stay grateful to have found you. You are a great teacher and master healer!"
"I am so glad you are in the world."
"You do amazing work and I'm so glad I got in touch! 🙏 "
"My friend is so happy with her healing sessions! She said she is going to do lots and lots of work with you for herself and family this year."
"My friend and her husband have really changed a lot for the best towards each other since working with you, and so have her other family members. They say how much more enlightened their lives have become!"
"Thank u so very very much for being an open channel to heal me and All of humanity. Love love love u. ♥️🌹🌹💥"
"I must tell you how important your healing sessions are, with the Ascended Masters and God's help, you are elevating lives as well as feeding lost souls."
"I love that you are in my life and I will continue to direct people to you to share your blessed gifts. Words are not enough to express my Gratitude for meeting you."
"I thank you so much for all your love and good thoughts that are helping me and my family gain balance again."
"Really appreciate all the healing modalities you offer. These are such a service. Virtual hugs and love love love!"
"Beautiful Sondra. You bring so much light into this world. Thank you for all of the service that you do both spiritually and in the community."
"You are such a gift to me and my family and to our business and to the world!"
"Dear Sondra, Thank you for your presence in my life. I appreciate this very much. With all my love and gratitude."
"Thank you so for doing so much for us. Love you dearly 💛 💓 💗 "
"I am extremely grateful to you and all the Holy Beings who partake in your clear and open channel. Light is our guide. Much much love always.💖💞💥"
"Hi dear Sondra! I’m grateful to you for your loving service and for showing the way by being."
"Thank you so much for offering these sessions. I can't imagine what life would be like without them!"
"I really appreciate your support through all the trials and tribulations I have been through in recent years. I just can't thank you enough and how much it has meant to me."
"I looked at practitioners in New York and ran across your page. I immediately got goosebumps as I felt drawn to you and to choose you as a practitioner. I feel like you have this light about you."
"I'm so grateful for you!"
"Thank you so much for all your gifts and all you do for me."
"Thanks so much for all of our healing sessions over the years and for being there for me when I needed it. Your reliability, knowledge and healing energy has made a positive impact on my life and the life of my family."
"Many thanks. I'm feeling better. Your work is true."
"You have the patience of a saint. God bless you!"
"You've done several healings for me, they have all been so amazing!!! Thank you!!!!"